This is the beta-version of the online platform giving access to the data produced and software developed within the ARTISTIC project. This platform allows to: (i) simulate at the mesoscale 3D Li-ion battery slurry, its drying, and electrode calendering through an user-friendly interface, without the need of any computational skill or resources, and controlling several parameters, as electrode formulation, drying, and calendering conditions (Online calculator); (ii) mesh 3D electrodes by our in-house meshing app (INNOV) through an user-friendly interface, allowing to directly use 3D electrode mesostructures as input for electrochemical models (Software section); (iii) visualize and download results previously obtained within the project (Data explorer). All the data can be downloaded free of charge under license (see inside the platform for the details) and under the request to cite in your work the corresponding ARTISTIC project publications.
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