ERC Consolidator Grant #772873
Prof. Alejandro A. Franco

The ARTISTIC team giving 3 oral presentations in the 70th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (Durban, South Africa)

In the week of August 5, 2019, Prof. Alejandro A. Franco, Dr. Alain Ngandjong and Dr. Emiliano Primo are giving three oral presentations in the 70th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE) in Durban, South Africa. On August 5 Prof. A.A. Franco presents an overview of the latest results in his presentation entitled "ARTISTIC: A Predictive Multiscale Simulation Platform of the Fabrication Process of Lithium Ion Batteries". On August 8, Dr. A. Ngandjong and Dr. E. Primo are present "Coarse Grained Molecular Simulation of Lithium Ion Electrodes Fabrication: Linking Computations with Experiments" and "Calendering process for thick and thin NMC cathodes: understanding the process parameters effect on the electrode structure and performance" respectively.