Digital Twin for the Acceleration of the Optimization of Lithium Ion Battery Manufacturing
Alejandro A. Franco, invited oral presentation at the Electronic Materials and Applications (EMA 2021), online (January 19-22, 2021).
ERC Consolidator Grant #772873
Prof. Alejandro A. Franco
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Alejandro A. Franco, invited oral presentation at the Electronic Materials and Applications (EMA 2021), online (January 19-22, 2021).
Alejandro A. Franco, invited lecture at the SACI Young Chemists Symposium of the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, online (November 18, 2020)
Alejandro A. Franco, invited oral presentation in the 2nd Virtual Batteries and Supercaps journal Symposium, online (November 12th, 2020).
Alejandro A. Franco, Jean-Noel Chotard, Mehdi Chouchane, Abbos Shodiev, several presentations within the European Science is Wonderful! 2020 Festival within the Research and Innovation Days, online (September 22-24, 2020)
Alejandro A. Franco, invited lecture at the Pint of Science Festival, online (September 7, 2020)
Alejandro A. Franco, invited oral presentation, 71st Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (September 2, 2020, originally planned in Belgrade, Serbia, but due to the Covid-19 pandemics, the event was fully online)
Alejandro A. Franco, Mehdi Chouchane, Teo Lombardo, Emiliano Primo, Alain Ngandjong, Abbos Shodiev, Arnaud Demortiere, Marc Duquesnoy, multiple talks at the 1st Battery Manufacturing Days - ARTISTIC Project Webinar Series, online
Marc Duquesnoy (representing Alejandro A. Franco), invited oral presentation, Machine Learning for Battery Research Workshop, Oxford, United Kingdom (March 13, 2020)
Alejandro A. Franco, invited oral presentation, IBA 2020 (International Battery Association) meeting (initially planned for March 8-13, 2020 in Bled, Slovenia, but talk postponed for 2022 due Covid-19 pandemics)
Alejandro A. Franco, invited seminar at the University of California San Diego (Group of Prof. Shirley Meng), San Diego/La Jolla, USA (February 24, 2020)
Alejandro A. Franco, invited keynote, the (2020) TMS 149th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, San Diego, USA (February 23-27, 2020)
Alejandro A. Franco, invited oral presentation, Workshop on Multiscale Modeling for Soft Matter and Materials for Energy, Torino, Italy (February 20, 2020)
Alejandro A. Franco, invited seminar at the Université de Montréal, Canada (February 5, 2020)
Alejandro A. Franco, invited lecture at the Prizes Ceremony of the Energy Inter-Division of the Société Chimique de France, Amiens, France (November 28, 2019)
Alejandro A. Franco, invited seminar at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, USA (October 18, 2019)